general medicine

    April,15, 2023
     GM CASE 5
        Case scenario.....
Hi, I am B.pragathi ,  a student of 3rd BDS .this is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .
                     CASE HISTORY 
Patient details 
A 70 years old male , occupation wender, Resident of nakrekal presented with 
Chief complaints 
He has suffering from body pain and shortness of breath, decreased appetite since 10days.
History of present illness 
Patient was  apparently asymptomatic  10 days back.   Then he had generalised weakness  all over the body which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive  in nature. Easy fatigability,  and shortness of breath  which is grade 1in onset and gradually  progressed to grade 2  that is patient was having  dyspnea in rest position.  Weaknesses, fatigability, breathlessness  are aggrevated by walking  and while doing normal  daily  activities  and he  was on dialysis  since  2months. 
 History of past illness 
 He was diagnosed with  type 2 diabetes mellitus 20 years back on routine medical checkup.  Also diagnosed with hypertension  8 years back.
 No known case of tuberculosis, asthma, seizures, cerebrovascular accident( CVD) , coronary artery  disease ( CAD).
Family history 
 No similar complaints 
Personal history 
Diet: mixed
Appetite: decreased 
Sleep: Normal 
Bowel and Bladder movements:  regular  movements .
Micturition: regular 
Addictions: alcohol consumption 30 years back occasionally. 
 General examination 
Nourishment:  moderately  nourishment 
Icterus: No 
Cyanosis: No 
Clubbing of fingers: No 
Lymphadenopathy: No 
Oedema: No 
Chronic  kidney disease 
Q/ A
1)  Is dialysis  the only way for renal failure?
2)what diet should I take from now onwards?
3)Is kidney transplantation is possible ?
4) Is there any other complications with renal failure?

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