July, 15, 2023
General Medicine 

Case scenario.....
Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd BDS student. 
This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent .This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .
                CASE HISTORY 
Patient details:
A 32 years  old male named saidulu, occupation car driver, Resident of miriyalaguda presented with
Chief complaint:
Growth over the left cheek since  3months and pain over left cheek since 3months 
History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic  3months back . Then he noticed  a growth over the left buccal mucosa which is insidious in onset and  gradually progressive in nature  and attained present  size.
Rapid increase in size  since one month. Pain over the left buccal mucosa since 3months which is insidious, intermittent,dragging  type.
Which aggrevates on chewing and on touching  cheek and relieve temporary on taking  medication .
Burning sensation  in left buccal  mucosa on drinking water and on eating
History of past illness:  
No similar  complaints in past .
Not known case of  diabetic, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, renal failure .
Family history:
No similar complaints.
Personal history:
Diet: mixed
Appetite: Normal 
Sleep: adequate 
Bowel and Bladder movements: regular 
Addictions: regular  alcoholic  10 years back
Smoking one year back and one to two ciggarate  per day.
Allergies: Not allergic to  known drugs
General examination: patient  appears conscious,coherent, cooperative and moderately built  and moderately  nourished.
Pallor: No  
Icterus: No 
Cyanosis: No 
Clubbing: No 
Lymphadenopathy: No 
Edema: No 
 Growth over the buccal mucosa 
Q/ A
1) how many days does it takes to cure?
2) what is the  reason for overgrowth of buccal mucosa?
3) what are the risk factors of this overgrowth?

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