GM case 2
      March , 4, 2023
       GM case 2
                 Case scenario .....
Hi, I am B.pragathi , a student  of 3rd BDS. This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent.  This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .
                   CASE HISTORY 
Patient details 
 A 48years old male , occupation farmer, Resident of kurumarthi  presented with
Chief complaints
  He has suffering from stomach  pain in the umbilical region and pain radiating to back since 3months.
History of present illness 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago. Then developed pain in abdomen. Which was sudden in onset and gradual in progression. And pain is aggrevated on consumption  of food and relieved on medication.  
Associated with Distention of abdomen 
History of past illness 
Stomach pain since one year.he was on medication for about 3 months  and pain was subsided.
Diabetes: No 
Hypertension: No 
CVD: No 
Epilepsy: No 
Tuberculosis: No 
Family history 
   No similar complaints
 Personal history 
 Diet: mixed
Sleep: Normal 
Bowel and Bladder  :irregular  bowel movement,and micturition is regular.    
Addictions: alcohol consumption before 20years, occasionally 
General examination 
Built: thin 
Nourishment: Good
Pallor: No
Consciousness: yes
Icterus: No 
Cyanosis: No  
Lymphadenopathy: No 
Oedema: No 
drug history 

            Provisional diagnosis 
             Intestinal obstruction 

Q/ A
When can I  start eating?
What is the  permanent  solution for  intestinal obstruction?



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