July, 11, 2023
General Medicine 

  Case- 7
 Case scenario.....
 Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd bds student.
This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .
                CASE HISTORY 
Patient details 
A 76 years old male, named  yadaiah, occupation  farmer, Resident of pochampally presented with 

Chief complaint :
Swelling  of both legs since 20days , shortness of breath since 20days.

History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back, then he noticed  swelling  of  both  lower limbs . Which is insidious in onset and gradually  progressive in nature. Which is  aggregated on walking  and prolonged  standing and relieved on sitting  position.   Which extend up to the knee ( which is  grade- 2 type of edema)  and  slow type of edema  (recovery greater  than 40seconds )   and shortness of breath 20days 
 Which is  type -2. Which is  insidious in onset and  gradually progressive in nature  and which is aggrevated by walking  and relieved on lying down. 
History of past illness:
No similar complaints in past .
Known case of diabetic mellitus type  -2 since 10 years. 
Not known case of hypertension, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma, cardiovascular disease, chronic  kidney failure.
 Family history:
 No similar  complaints. 
Personal history:
Diet: mixed
Appetite: Normal 
Sleep: adequate 
Bowel and Bladder movements: regular  and normal 
Addictions: No  addiction 
Allergies  : absent 

General examination:
Patient  appears conscious, coherent, cooperative and moderately built and moderately  nourished.
Pallor( lower palpable  conjunctiva) : No 
Icterus( sclera) : No 
Cyanosis: No 
Clubbing: No 
Lymphadenopathy: No  
Oedema: pitting type of oedema
            Pedal edema

Q/ A
1) What is the reason for edema of legs?
2)how to get rid of pedal edema ?
3)Is there any other complications with these pedal edema?
4)what diet should I follow in these situation..?.

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