
GM CASE- 8 July, 15, 2023 General Medicine  Case-8 Case scenario..... Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd BDS student.  This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent .This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                                 CASE HISTORY  Patient details: A 32 years  old male named saidulu, occupation car driver, Resident of miriyalaguda presented with Chief complaint: Growth over the left cheek since  3months and pain over left cheek since 3months  History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic  3months back . Then he noticed  a growth over the left buccal mucosa which is insidious in onset and  gradually progressive in nature  and attained present  size. Rapid increase in size  since one month. Pain over the left buccal mucosa since 3months which is insidious, intermittent,dragging  type. Which aggrevates on chewing and on touching  cheek and relieve temporary on taking  medication . Burning sen
GM CASE- 7 July, 11, 2023 General Medicine    Case- 7  Case scenario.....    Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                                 CASE HISTORY  Patient details  A 76 years old male, named  yadaiah, occupation  farmer, Resident of pochampally presented with  Chief complaint : Swelling  of both legs since 20days , shortness of breath since 20days. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back, then he noticed  swelling  of  both  lower limbs . Which is insidious in onset and gradually  progressive in nature. Which is  aggregated on walking  and prolonged  standing and relieved on sitting  position.   Which extend up to the knee ( which is  grade- 2 type of edema)  and  slow type of edema  (recovery greater  than 40seconds )   and shortness of breath 20days   Which is  type -2. Which is


GM case 6 July , 11, 2023 General Medicine   Case 6 Case scenario...... Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd bds student . This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent.  This is also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .               CASE HISTORY  Patient  details  A 54 years old male ,occupation farmer, Resident of somavaram presented with  Chief complaints   Discomfort  in abdomen   and shortness of breath  since   3 months.  History of present illness:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic   3 months back ,  then he noticed  abdominal  bloating  which aggrevated by taking food, and relieved on taking  medication. And also had Shortness of breath since 3 months  which is grade 2 (SOB on doing normal daily activities) aggrevated on doing normal daily work and relieved on rest position.  History of past illness: Trauma  to left 8th rib since one day  while doing  routine labour work and continuous pain in left side of the  chest, dragg

general medicine

GM CASE 5     April,15, 2023      GM CASE 5         Case scenario..... Hi, I am B.pragathi ,  a student of 3rd BDS .this is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent . This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                      CASE HISTORY  Patient details  A 70 years old male , occupation wender, Resident of nakrekal presented with  Chief complaints  He has suffering from body pain and shortness of breath, decreased appetite since 10days. History of present illness  Patient was  apparently asymptomatic  10 days back.   Then he had generalised weakness  all over the body which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive  in nature. Easy fatigability,  and shortness of breath  which is grade 1in onset and gradually  progressed to grade 2  that is patient was having  dyspnea in rest position.  Weaknesses, fatigability, breathlessness  are aggrevated by walking  and while doing normal  daily  activities  and he  was on


Gm case - 4 April 4, 2023 General Medicine    Case 4  Case scenario....  Hi, I am B.pragathi , 3rd BDS student.  This  is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                               CASE HISTORY      Patient details  A 60 years old female, named lingamma, occupation by farmer, Resident of monugodu presented with the  Chief complaints of  Dry cough , shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, decreased urine output since one week.  History of present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic one week back.then she started  complaining of dry cough since a week.  Associated with chest pain, shortness of breath  since a week.  Which is insidious  onset And gradually  progressive in nature and it is grade- 3( shortness  of breath on doing less the ordinary activity) she also  complained of decreased  urine output ( oliguria) since a week .  History of past illness  Hyperten


GENERAL MEDICINE  March, 11, 2023 GM CASE 4 March, 11,2023 General Medicine  Case 4 Case scenario.... Hi, I am B.pragathi, 3rd BDS student.  This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                    CASE HISTORY   Patient details  A 50 years old male  occupation by  stone thrower, Resident of Nalgonda presented with the Chief complaint of Pain at back side and oedema  of feet, shortness of breath since one month  History of present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month  back,then had pain at backside and shortness of breath, oedema  of feet, and brought  to hospital for dialysis, one episode of  dialysis is done. History of past illness  Hypertension: present  Tuberculosis: No  CVA: No  Epilepsy: No  Diabetes : No  Family history  Not significant  Personal history  Diet: mixed Appetite: Normal  Micturition: Not proper  Bowel movements: constipation  Addi


GM case 2       March , 4, 2023        GM case 2                  Case scenario ..... Hi, I am B.pragathi , a student  of 3rd BDS. This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent.  This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio .                    CASE HISTORY  Patient details   A 48years old male , occupation farmer, Resident of kurumarthi  presented with Chief complaints   He has suffering from stomach  pain in the umbilical region and pain radiating to back since 3months. History of present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago. Then developed pain in abdomen. Which was sudden in onset and gradual in progression. And pain is aggrevated on consumption  of food and relieved on medication.   Associated with Distention of abdomen  History of past illness  Stomach pain since one year.he was on medication for about 3 months  and pain was subsided. Diabetes: No  Hypertension: No  CVD: No  Epilepsy: No  Tuberculo